The Commitment of Flow Theory Grappling
Whether you want to stay healthy, learn a new skill, gain confidence, learn how to defend yourself, find another sport to compete in, etc, Flow Theory Grappling has you covered; kids and adults alike. We're committed to offering the highest quality Jiu Jitsu instruction in the area. Lead by young Pan American champion and rising star, Caleb Yonkers, and supported by various other Black Belts, Flow Theory Grappling would love to have you on board as we train and try to build something special!
For those who know about the jiu jitsu scene already, we're unaffiliated with John Danaher's Team New Wave, but our program is built to mirror his, as closely as possible, through years of study, competition experience, private lessons with his squad members, etc. If you're stuck in Houston but want to learn that modern, competitive, submission-heavy style, consider joining us.